Global Learning Course Designation

Submitting a revised course for global learning designation

Step 1

Complete a global learning course design and instruction workshop

You may revise an existing course for global learning designation. Start this process by completing the workshop. If you attended a workshop in the past, we encourage you to refresh your knowledge by:

  • Attend a workshop, which may be done virtually via Zoom or online in Canvas modules
  • Contact the Office of Global Learning Initiatives (OGLI) for in-person support and the latest resources and requirements

FIU faculty receive a $250 extra-state compensation stipend for completing a workshop upon submission of a global learning course proposal to the Faculty Senate Global Learning Curriculum Oversight Committee (GLCOC). 

Please note: Per university policy, graduate assistants, teaching assistants and research assistants are not eligible to receive a stipend for this workshop.

Step 2

Develop a proposal for global learning designation

After completing the workshop, which covers course proposal requirements, the OGLI is here to help you prepare the new course proposal. We strongly recommend that you submit a draft course proposal to us/the OGLI for feedback prior to submitting it to your department and/or school or college curriculum committee. This greatly increases the chance that designation will be conferred by the Global Learning Curriculum Oversight Committee (GLCOC).

Step 3

Submit a proposal for global learning designation

A complete global learning course proposal consists of 3 items in hard or digital copy:

  1. Original signed Course Revision for Global Learning Designation form.
    (FIU is in the process of transitioning from the existing curriculum proposal system to a new electronic catalog and curriculum management system. The new system is slated for Launch in Fall 2024.)
  2. global learning Syllabus
  3. global learning Course Assessment Matrix

First, submit your global learning proposal to your department and/or school or college curriculum committee. Check with your department and or school or college for submission deadlines. After your school or college curriculum committee approves the proposal, it will forward the original signed documents to the Faculty Senate, which are then shared with the GLCOC.

When the GLCOC approves the proposal, it will make a motion to the Faculty Senate to confer global learning designation. After the Faculty Senate ratifies the motion, the global learning designation will be added to PantherSoft and to the Class Notes section in the course catalog.

The course’s approved syllabus and assessment matrix will also be added to our Model Syllabi & Assessments webpage and our global learning Course List.

Submitting a new course for global learning designation

You may simultaneously submit a proposal for a new course number and another separate proposal for global learning designation for the new course. To do so, follow the directions above for the global learning course proposal, using the information you are submitting for the new course number.

Questions? Contact the OGLI, 305-348-4145 or email us at

Submitting course documents for 5-year review

All global-learning-designated courses are reviewed every 5 years by the Global Learning Curriculum Oversight Committee (GLCOC). The GLCOC reviews course offering and enrollment data and evaluates a course's ongoing fidelity to the process of global learning and to its Faculty Senate-approved global learning learning course outcomes.

Faculty and their department chairs are notified via email when the global learning course they teach is scheduled for a Review.

Step 1

Prepare your most recent global learning course syllabus.

To determine if your syllabus meets GLCOC requirements, download the global learning Course Triennial Review Checklist.

Step 2

Complete the global learning Course Assessment Matrix for the semester in which you most recently taught the course.

Download the Word file for your global learning Course Assessment Matrix. To view instructions and an example of a completed assessment matrix, download an annotated global learning Course Assessment Matrix.

Step 3

Submit your syllabus and completed global learning Course Assessment Matrix to the OGLI by email at

The OGLI encourages all faculty teaching sections of global learning-designated courses to attend a global learning Course Design and Instruction Workshop. The workshop prepares faculty to design a global learning syllabus and assessment matrix to meet GLCOC requirements and engage students in active, collaborative learning.

If you are teaching a global learning course and have not yet taken a workshop, be sure to enroll

For questions regarding workshops, contact the OGLI, 305-348-4145 or email at

Removing global learning designation

GLCOC policies stipulate that global learning courses be taught at least once every 2 years. If during the course of the Triennial Review the GLCOC determines that a course is out of compliance, the committee will contact the department. If the department no longer wishes to offer the course, the GLCOC will ask for a written removal request. global learning designation is removed only at the written request of the department.