The Globe Newsletter
The Globe is our monthly newsletter for faculty that connects you to global learning events, workshops, news in the field, opportunities to publish, and more.
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Looking for more research and theory on global learning? You're in the right place! Browse publications by members of our team and other global learning experts.
Professional Development
All faculty are encouraged to attend one of our Course Design and Instruction workshops before teaching, drafting, or redesigning a course for global learning. In fact, informal data shows that faculty and adjuncts who attend a workshop align their syllabi and teaching practices more closely with FIU's vision for global learning.
Models of GL Syllabi & Assessments
FIU now has over 250 global learning-designated courses for undergraduate students. Find a model GL Course Syllabus and Assessment Matrix for every course we offer.
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) brings global learning to life. Through partnerships between FIU faculty and faculty all over the world, COIL brings their students together in online and virtual spaces of mutual learning and collaboration.