Karla Kennedy
Lee Caplin School of Journalism + Media
Office: AC2 311| AC2 320
Phone: 305-919-5625
Email: kkennedy@fiu.edu
Dr. Karla Kennedy is a proud South Florida native. A former high school journalism adviser, Kennedy always believed that students should be given every opportunity to learn and explore. She researches and studies court decisions and opinions on student speech and student press cases. Dr. Kennedy has a Master's degree in Mass Communication from FIU and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. She says, "We just open the door of possibilities for our students, and hope they choose to walk through it." She aspires to one day open her own journalism and media school for marginalized students to help in efforts to continue to diversify media outlets. She currently serves as the CARTA Director of Online Programs and the Assistant Director in Scholastic Journalism for the Lee Caplin School of Journalism + Media.