Alain Duran

Alain Duran

Assistant Teaching Professor

Biological Sciences

Office: OE 210

Phone: 305-348-2201



Dr. Alain Duran began his professional formation at the University of Havana. He graduated in 2007 with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and worked as Research Assistant at the Institute of Oceanology under the distinguished ictiologist, Dr. Rodolfo Claro. In 2013, Alain completed his Master's degree at Florida International University (FIU) under the supervision of Dr. Ligia Collado-Vides and Dr. Deron Burkepile. His master's research focused on fish herbivory and eutrophication as drivers of recruitment and community succession of coral reef macroalgae. In Spring 2018, Alain obtained his Ph.D. from FIU, followed by a one-year postdoc working with freshwater fish. He is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Biological Sciences Department, a Researcher Associated with the Institute of the Environment, and Co-director of the Coastal Conservation and Restoration Lab at FIU.